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A Greenbelt Wedding!

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Hillary Gottemoeller and Joe Harris – the performing couple formerly known as the The Bachelor and the Bad Actress – were married yesterday in Roosevelt Center, a place I’ll forever think of as The Church of You and Me – or You, Me, and the Whole Town. 

And the location was soooo fitting.  Joe’s been ensconced in the music scene at the New Deal Cafe since its inception, and he and Hillary perform there regularly. So the Cafe catered the tented affair and all the regulars were decked out in their finest for the big event, which somehow was able to be coordinated with the scheduled Crazy Quilt Festival going on that day.

So thanks, City of Greenbelt, for helping make this happen, and thanks to the happy couple for sharing their joyous event with us all.  A Washington Post reporter in attendance told me this was a historic first for Greenbelt – but hopefully it won’t be the last.



wedding of Hillary Gottemoeller and Joe Harris

Officiant Amethyst Dwyer, referred to as the “High Priestess of Greenbelt” by the bride.


wedding of Hillary Gottemoeller and Joe Harris


wedding of Hillary Gottemoeller and Joe Harris
Photo by Kimberly Ann Keys.




wedding of Hillary Gottemoeller and Joe Harris
Photo by Kimberly Ann Keys.


wedding of Hillary Gottemoeller and Joe Harris


Wedding of Hillary Gottemoeller and Joe Harris
Photo by Kimberly Ann Keys.


Follow Susan Harris:
Susan started blogging about Greenbelt soon after moving here in 2012, and that blog has grown into this nonprofit community website. She also created and curates the Greenbelt Maryland YouTube channel. In 2021 Susan joined the Board of Directors of Greenbelt Access TV. Retired from garden writing and teaching, she continues to blog weekly at GardenRant.com.

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