Some good news about the Greenbelt community…
Greenbelt Access TV
Sharing Videos
GreenbeltOnline has long been associated with video – some that I’ve made myself, but many more that I include on the Greenbelt Maryland YouTube Channel associated with this site. There you can watch curated videos sorted into playlists like Arts and Entertainment, Festivals and Celebrations, and About Greenbelt.
And without a doubt, our playlists include more videos from Greenbelt Access TV (GATe) than any other source – especially the videos produced by station manager Phoebe McFarb and Board members John Campanile and Claude Aubert. Likewise, they share some of my videos via broadcast and GATe’s own YouTube channel.
Entering (and Placing Second) in Rose Awards
Next, last year I competed in GATe’s new 2020 Rose Awards and won second place, which included a cash award that was donated to Greenbelt Online. So that was fun! The video I entered was “My Front Yard Make-over with Vines and Paint.”
Joint Video Productions
Also in 2020 I started collaborating with Phoebe on joint productions – “Tour of Melissa Mackey’s Garden” and the “Streetside Gardens of Lakeside Drive.”
Then just this month, at the suggestion of GATe president Frank Gervasi, I was asked to help create videos about upcoming events in Greenbelt and nearby, every other week. All I have to do is record a short narration; then John Campanile shoots or finds the appropriate B-roll, and Phoebe, with her quick editing skills, pulls it altogether in a matter of minutes. The video above is our second production together.
Joining the GATe Board
So when Frank asked me to join GATe’s Board of Directors I was happy to say yes and participate more fully in the operations of a team I’d come to enjoy working with so much, already.
Utopia Film Festival Coming Up!
I’m thrilled that the Utopia Film Festival is BACK this year, in its 17th year, IN PERSON, and happy to help promote it early and often. I’d be doing it even if I weren’t on the Board! Tickets are available NOW but don’t wait because they can and do sell out.
Trailers for many of the films, are available on Utopia’s Facebook page.
Greenbelt News Review and Greenbelt Museum
Writing this post – originally just about GATe – it occurred to me that Greenbelt Online collaborates with two other Greenbelt-based media, so here’s a quick note about the others.
- The News Review occasionally republishes articles that originate here on Greenbelt Online – and vice versa. All very friendly!
- Sheila Maffay-Tuthill, educator for the Greenbelt Museum, offers her excellent blog posts for republication here – the larger audience the better, right? And the museum is collaborating with us to collect information about the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on Greenbelt residents, organizations and businesses. Greenbelt Online’s collection of 43 posts so far will eventually be added to the Museum’s archive about the pandemic, which will include not just digital media but also objects. Their effort is part of a movement among museums and libraries across the country to “Archive the Moment.” (When will the “moment” be OVER?)
Claude Aubert
Thank you for all the great work you are doing to inform and connect our community!