Help us archive Greenbelt’s experience of the Brood X Cicadas by sending us your photos and videos to add to the collection. (Photos are best sent at 1,000 pixels width, mailed to Or tag Greenbelt Online when you post photos or videos on social media.
What we particularly need more of are photos of cicadas with people, animals or beautiful plants.
Greenbelt Cicada Photos (newest added at top)
Photos by Gina Mai Denn above and below.
Gotta have that Magicicada 2021 Brood X t-shirt she’s wearing. She ordered it from the UMD Entomology Department.
Above, photos by Madeline Henderson.

Greenbelt Cicada Videos (newest added at top)
Another great one from Claude Aubert, above.
From Greenbelt Access Television, “Let’s eat Cicadas Tonight” is a fun and informative video by Claude Aubert, Secretary of Greenbelt Access Television. He makes a cameo appearance as a taster. Video features Betty Balaba (chef), and Bob and Marie-Cécile Groelsema.
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