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Contribute YOUR Greenbelt Cicada Photos and Videos!

Help us archive Greenbelt’s experience of the Brood X Cicadas by sending us your photos and videos to add to the collection. (Photos are best sent at 1,000 pixels width, mailed to editor@greenbeltonline.org.) Or tag Greenbelt Online when you post photos or videos on social media.
What we particularly need more of are photos of cicadas with people, animals or beautiful plants.

Greenbelt Cicada Photos (newest added at top)


Photos by Gina Mai Denn above and below.

Gotta have that Magicicada 2021 Brood X t-shirt she’s wearing. She ordered it from the UMD Entomology Department.

Above, photos by Madeline Henderson.


Left, by Bev Parisi; right by Jamie Jorgensen.


From left, by Jason Chute, Mary Murchison-Edwards, and Vijay Parameshwaran.


Photos by John Klinovsky.

Greenbelt Cicada Videos (newest added at top)

Another great one from Claude Aubert, above.

Above, short video of Greenbelt Online editor Susan Harris’s cat Harry with cicadas at her front door. VOLUME UP for the sound of cicadas mating!


From Greenbelt Access Television, “Let’s eat Cicadas Tonight” is a fun and informative video by Claude Aubert, Secretary of Greenbelt Access Television. He makes a cameo appearance as a taster. Video features Betty Balaba (chef), and Bob and Marie-Cécile Groelsema.

Also from Greenbelt Access Television, this informative video is described thusly: “If you want to know more about these fascinating creatures, listen as two entomologists explain the periodical cicadas in hopes that people can appreciate these magical bugs while they’re among us. Many thanks to USDA research scientists Dr. Jay Evans and Dr. Samuel Ramsey aka “Dr. Buggs” for giving us a glimpse into what makes cicadas so special.

Above, a video by Claude Aubert posted to the Greenbelt Biota Facebook Group and copied to the Greenbelt Maryland YouTube Channel.

Above, a compilation of short videos by Catherine Plaisant, Maria Hult and Marjorie Gray.

Follow Susan Harris:
Susan started blogging about Greenbelt soon after moving here in 2012, and that blog has grown into this nonprofit community website. She also created and curates the Greenbelt Maryland YouTube channel. In 2021 Susan joined the Board of Directors of Greenbelt Access TV. Retired from garden writing and teaching, she continues to blog weekly at GardenRant.com.

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