Greenbelt-Beltsville Garden Club
The Greenbelt-Beltsville Garden Club (G-BGC) was founded in 1952 (as the Beltsville Garden Club) by a group of individuals primarily from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Today the club has incorporated Greenbelt in to its name and has approximately 100 members from Beltsville, Greenbelt and throughout the Washington D.C. metropolitan Area. G-BGC promotes gardening interests of its members and increases their knowledge of horticulture.
Civic Engagement
Our club works every year to provide a scholarship for a University of Maryland student in the Department of Horticulture and Plant Sciences. The club volunteers operate the Duckworth School greenhouse and our plant sales provide income for the school.
Annual dues are $15.00 per family; payable at the beginning of September. Anyone interested in gardening is encouraged to join the club. We look forward to new members.
Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of the months of September through May. Doors open at 7:00; the meeting starts at 7:30pm and ends at approximately 9pm.
Regular meetings are open to the public and free of charge. Light refreshments are served. Plants and related items donated by the club members are raffled at each meeting, and most attendees win a free item. Attendees may also submit questions concerning their gardening problems.
Special trips are scheduled in the summer months and we have our Annual Winter Banquet in December.
Meeting Location
Monthly meetings are held at the Greenbelt Youth Center at 99 Centerway Road. Enter the Greenbelt Library driveway from Crescent Road and go straight until the driveway ends at the Youth Center on your right.
November 2023 Update in Greenbelt News Review
Lots more details in Lesley Kash's article about the club on page 13 of this issue.