Greenbelt Biota
“Greenbelt Biota, the Natural History Society of Greenbelt” is a group of Greenbelt citizens from different backgrounds and disciplines with the common goal of cataloging the flora and fauna of the Greenbelt Forest Preserve and other natural areas in Greenbelt; and educating the public about the important role of such urban green spaces in the conservation of biodiversity.
We share sightings on our Facebook group page. We also try to hold monthly walks, usually on a Saturday or Sunday morning at 10am. We like to do most of our walks within Greenbelt, or nearby. During the pandemic we experimented with a “temporary self-guided woodland plant walk”. Activities are planned during our monthly meetings held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm - normally at the New Deal Café but via Zoom as long as needed during the pandemic.
For a good overview of the plants found in the Greenbelt Forest Preserve you can consult the book A Hundred Wild ThIngs by Greenbelt resident and Greenbelt Biota member Owen Kelley: Here's an interview with Owen about the book.
Photo credits, clockwise from upper left: Jamie Jorgensen, Nikki Prive, John Klinovsky, John Klinovsky.