It was a gorgeous day at the Greenbelt Farmers Market yesterday, so I snapped a few iPhone shots to post here. Above is the heart and soul of the market (at least in our minds) – the Info Booth. Left to right are Market Master Nancy Solomon and volunteers Katy Pape and Sophia (last name?). I was about to take one of those seats, for the noon to 2:00 shift.
The Market sign shows lots happening this week, like the Master Gardeners below.
The Master Gardeners answered all manner of gardening questions from Market shoppers. On the right notice coordinator Jan Wolfe doing her research.
We love having community groups at the Market. The Friends of New Carrollton Library got lots of takers for their book/DVD sale.
Sorry I don’t have a short video of the ERHS Clarinet Choir. They sounded great.
Gladiolas are at their peak and Helen Svensen can’t resist them. With other local Rotarians she creates and maintains gardens at Springhill Lake Elementary School, a project I wrote about in this story. Helen looked so lovely with those flowers, the Market volunteers oohed and aahed and I jumped up to take a shot. When she told us she’s almost 79, we were collectively amazed and inspired.
Crepes at the Market were doing a brisk business, as usual.
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