Greenbelt Creatives – Free!

Arts venues in Greenbelt and creative people living or working in Greenbelt are invited to join Greenbelt Creatives by getting listed here. If based outside Greenbelt, please indicate your Greenbelt connection in the text of your listing.

Who? Musicians, bands, painters, photographers, mimes, theater groups, writers, videographers, potters, etc. Whether you do your art professionally or for FUN.

Listings are FREE. You’ll have a unique web address (URL) for YOUR listing, so if you don’t have a web presence, you can just buy a domain (for just $12-15/year) and forward it to your listing here.

Want to Create the Listing Yourself? Scroll Down for Instructions

Greenbelt Organizations – Free!

Nonprofit organizations based in Greenbelt are invited to get their own free page here on Greenbelt Online! The benefits are:

If your organization has no website, its page here can serve as one, with its own URL. Even better, buy a domain name for your organization ($15-20/year) and forward it to your page here, so that you can promote the page more easily AND prevent others from buying your domain name and offering to sell it to you.

If your organization already has a website, the page here will strengthen its web presence, and provide another link found by Google in searches for your organization.

Greenbelt Community Links – Free!

Nonprofit organizations based in Greenbelt are invited to add the link to their website to this page, where they are arranged by category. Just email

We Create Your Listing

We do this together. Just email the text and photos you’d like in your listing to We’ll create a draft and send it to you for your approval. We can help with lay-out and writing ideas, too. We’ve even been known to create logos for Greenbelt Creatives.

You’ll have your own page! The web address for your listing will be long but can be shortened (using or for printing on a business card, etc. Or buy your preferred domain (web address) and point it to your listing here. And soon you’ll be able to log in yourself to update your listing whenever you want.

Or Create Your Own Listing with these Instructions

Before you start: have your listing description written and ready to copy into the form and at least your logo image ready before starting. Our directory plug-in doesn’t allow free users to save as draft, then go back to edit and publish. So be ready to go live!

  • Click “Create Your Listing.”
  • At the far right, click on the type of listing you want.
  • Fill in information
  • Submit

Required: Your actual name and email to be used by us in contacting you (and by you in logging in); title of your listing; whatever you’d like as a “description” (can include links, formatting similar to Word, embedded video), and choose a category for your listing.

Optional: Contact email you want shown to viewers of your listing, phone, website, social media.

Required: at least 1 photo that’s square and has your listing name on it. (It’ll be used as your logo on the main arts directory page). Upload as many as 4 additional photos.

DON’T upload videos below that – they’re not displayed in a way that anyone would ever see them. Instead, embed your video in the “description” area by switching from “visual” to “text.”

Location can be left blank or filled in as you’d like. See examples on the main directory page.

Click “I’m not a robot” first and THEN answer their security question before clicking “Submit New.”

A “My account” page will appear, where you can log in and make changes any time to your listing.

Got a problem? Email We can always fix things up as the administrator.