Editor Susan Harris

Susan started blogging about Greenbelt in 2012, soon after moving here from Takoma Park, where she wrote for the Takoma Voice Newspaper. Previously she co-founded the award-winning team blog GardenRant.com in 2006 and continues to write for it weekly.

Since retirement, she’s created Greenbelt Online and two other nonprofits: the pro-science Good Gardening Videos that finds and promotes the best how-to-garden videos on YouTube; and DC Gardens, a campaign to promote the public gardens of the Washington, D.C. area, and gardening by locals.

In 2021 Susan joined the Board of Directors of Greenbelt Access TV.

Susan was raised near Richmond, Virginia, attended Oberlin College in Ohio, and has lived in the D.C. area since 1971.

Developer/Web Designer Tanya Amaya

Tanya Amaya has been a champion of Greenbelt since she was very small. Her grandmother Evangeline Gresser was a longtime educator and Greenbelt supporter. Tanya and her grandmother would volunteer often in Greenbelt as Tanya was growing up until Eve later retired and was able to move to the Greenbelt Community. Tanya Amaya came to create this website through her work and volunteering for Greenbelt’s MakerSpace, for which she continues to serve on the board. Her company Analytic Design won a “Best of Greenbelt” award in 2018 for its continued Greenbelt support, and she has recently partnered with Mosaic Data Services, which now hosts Greenbelt Online.

Her areas of expertise include sustainable design solutions, logo design, integrated brand identity systems, brand design and strategy, print design, web design, digital media strategy, site architecture, and site marketing. She also teaches social media, search engine optimization and lead generation workshops through SCORE and events.

Treasurer Barbara Glick

Barbara has been advocating for a more kind, just, and sustainable world for humans and those who aren’t human for 50 years, ever since she organized for the 1969 Vietnam Moratorium March on Washington. When she’s not in the streets fighting for a better world, she enjoys the embarrassment of riches our city has to offer, including the trails of Old Greenbelt and Lake Artemesia, swimming at the GAFC, and dancing at the New Deal Cafe. She loves reading Greenbelt Online, and is excited for its further development. Barbara spent her career as a public health nurse for the State of Maryland.

Advisory Board

In addition to editor Susan Harris, the Editorial Board includes:

Shaymar Higgs

Shaymar is a modern-day Renaissance man with 12+ years of community development and creative place-making experience in the not-for-profit and government sectors. Shaymar’s experience includes the development and management of the Cosca Regional Skateboard Park for M-NCPPC, as well as developing and instructing visual and culinary arts programs for several nonprofit organizations throughout the DC-Metro area.

Currently he serves on the Arts Advisory Board for the City of Greenbelt and is the Chief Artistic Officer for The SPACE: Free Art for All. He’s a graduate of the Greenbelt Citizens Police Academy and serves as Community Arts Director of Each One Teach One Inc.

Owen A. Kelley

A few years after earning a B.A. from St. John’s College in Annapolis, Owen moved to Greenbelt in 1997 to work at NASA Goddard in the data center for an experimental weather satellite. In 2008, he earned a Ph.D. in Computational Sciences from George Mason University, having researched hurricanes for his dissertation. Owen’s interest in nature led him to write a field guide to the Greenbelt North Woods and contributing articles to Greenbelt Online about the proposed maglev project – check  them out.

Alison Gary

Alison Gary is a full-time writer, blogger, and influencer at Wardrobe Oxygen , where she focuses on providing real-life style advice for “grown-ass women.” She lives in a Greenbelt with her husband, their daughter, and rescue dog Oscar. Prior to starting Wardrobe Oxygen, Alison spent almost a decade in retail, apparel, visual merchandising, styling, and personal shopping. Her experience taught her much about fashion and how to dress a variety of bodies, budgets, and personal styles.

Julie Winters

Julie is a professional writer and editor with decades of experience. She’s best known in Greenbelt as the primary moderator of its largest Facebook group, called Greenbelters.

Jeff Lemieux

Jeff has been a Greenbelt resident since 1987 and writes about planning and transportation issues for our blog. He’s also a bike commuter to UMD and (sometimes) DC, and was the Washington Area Bicyclist Association’s advocate of the year in 2015. Jeff’s wife Laurie owns Proteus Bicycles in College Park. Jeff’s day job is as chief economist for the Council for Affordable Health Coverage.


Greenbelt Online is locally hosted by Mosaic Data Services, with offices in Gaithersburg and servers as close as Beltsville. We thank them for their good service and deep discount prices for nonprofits.