Home » Outdoors, Environment » At Lake Artemesia, Beauty with Touches of Death and Trash

At Lake Artemesia, Beauty with Touches of Death and Trash

Lake Artemesia Berwyn Heights, MD

Greenbelters, I do love our own lake but for a change of pace I drive to beautiful, sunny Lake Artemesia, just 2 miles down Greenbelt Road. Blooming in this recent shot are white Hibiscus and purplish Joe Pye Weed.

Lake Artemesia Trail, Berwyn Heights, MD

Catmint is blooming like crazy in the island beds around these two lovely benches. I’m betting it doesn’t get supplemental watering there, so that tells us it’s plenty drought-tolerant.

Lake Artemesia turtles, Berwyn Heights, MD

Ah, the ducklings! They grow up so fast.

Lake Artemesia Dead Trees

With those mellow images in mind, here’s an uhhappy change – the trees planted on Earth Day of this year, during an event I praised in this post from April 24, now mostly dead, as far as I could see. Newly planted anything needs regular watering during the whole first season but especially during the late spring-early summer drought we had after these poor things were planted.

So how does this happen? Was there a plan to keep these trees alive in their first season? The event organizers were the City of College Park, the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Fraternity Phi Kappa Psi and the College Park’Rotary Club.

Lake Artemesia Litter in Water

Lord knows it’s awful to see trash thrown anywhere but in a lake? It boggles the mind. I didn’t see many examples of the stuff, so I’ll assume they’re removed regularly. Thank you, trash-removers!

Lake Artemesia Dock Goose Droppings

Finally, another type of waste on the small pier near the bathrooms – the goose droppings.  I wonder if the stuff is carried off rather than thrown into the lake, to prevent overfertilization and the harms it can cause.

Follow Susan Harris:
Susan started blogging about Greenbelt soon after moving here in 2012, and that blog has grown into this nonprofit community website. She also created and curates the Greenbelt Maryland YouTube channel. In 2021 Susan joined the Board of Directors of Greenbelt Access TV. Retired from garden writing and teaching, she continues to blog weekly at GardenRant.com.

3 Responses

  1. Mary Ann Canter
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  2. Katy Pape
    | Reply

    Hi Susan, I’ve always thought the white blooms you’re calling Hibiscus were mallow.(?) Katy

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